If you want to obtain profitability thanks to your empty house and, at the same time, be able to have it for you at any time, as well as to avoid the risks of "traditional" rentals (non-payment, damages to the house, ...), then holiday rental is your best option since it is a growing market in our town.
At Basquenjoy Hondarribia, we offer customized solutions with a full range of services in a comprehensive holiday rental management, including all the procedures going from rental marketing and guest check-in/check-out to services like the cleaning and maintenance of the house, among many others. In addition, we take charge of other aspects, such as legal and tax advice or paperwork for the administrations.
You do not have to worry about anything!
What do you get with holiday rental?
Profitability: Short and medium-stay rental generates higher benefits than traditional rental. Besides, there are no non-payment risks because guests pay the entire amount before getting into the house.
Maintenance and cleaning of the house: As these are short stays, your house will be cleaned and checked periodically. In addition, guests pay a deposit in case they might cause any damages to the house.
Total availability of your house: You can have your house for you whenever you want, during the period that you tell us, provided that there are no confirmed reservations for those dates. Even from the beginning, you can reserve the dates that you wish to keep for you for any reason (family visits, works in your house ...).
Why with Basquenjoy Hondarribia?
Because we live here and we are from here, because we will have a direct and personalized treatment with you, because we will be clear and there will be no surprises and because we will be at your disposal for all you need.
At Basquenjoy Hondarribia, we are going to commercialize the rental of your property through the usual channels as well as through many other channels, in order to obtain the maximum occupancy rate of your house and therefore, greater profitability.
We can deal with EVERYTHING:
- Advice and registration of properties.
- Commercialization of holiday rental.
- Guest welcoming.
- House cleaning and inspection.
- Invoice processing.
- Representation before the administration.
- Repairs or works in the house.
- House registration in the Basque Government.
- Other procedures.
Please, contact us so that we can talk and explain everything to you!